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(DTPtechNote:420) Re: 段落罫線について

>{"ブラック", "ブラック", "ブラック"}

これはQuarkXPress 3.3Jのバグですね。



tell application "QuarkXPress 3.3Jr7"
	tell document 1
		set tool mode to contents mode
		tell page 1
			tell text box 1
				set tmp_color to {}
				repeat with i from 1 to count paragraphs
					tell paragraph i
						my move_para(i)
						set end of tmp_color to name of color of rule below
					end tell
				end repeat
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

to move_para(i)
	tell application "QuarkXPress 3.3Jr7"
		set selection to insertion point before paragraph i of current box of document 1
	end tell
end move_para

ポイントは「set selection to insertion point」が「tell application "QuarkXPress 3.3Jr7"」直下でないとダメなとこです。